
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Capture the flag: sports

Capture the flag


Capture the flag has two teams and there would be a long line in the middle of the field and the sides have one square box in the corners and in the square box has one ball inside of it.

The other team has to grab that ball and when they are inside the square box the other team can't tag you so its a safe zone but only one member of the team is only allowed in there. When you're in the box and you have the ball you will have to run to your team's side and when you run over the line you score a point for your team.

Now when your enemy crosses the line you will have to chase them down and try to tag them but if they get in the square box they are safe and you cant tag them. If they run with the ball you have to chase them down or they will score a point. 

Jail is where you get tagged and you will have to wait for one of your team members to come over and tag you out. When you get tagged out you will not go straight over to the box you will have a walk or run straight over to your team's side.                                                                                  

This is a cool and fun game to play on the field. 

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