
Sunday, September 9, 2018

what Quality blogs look like

On 10.9.18 Monday we have been doing some Quality blog comments look like and I did mine it was very COOL well we write about comments when people comment saying something to the other persons work like 'Wow that is VERY awesome and interesting' well some people say but other people don't they would rather say 'wow that is very very DUMB!' people say that sometimes so DON'T!!!                                         
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Sunday, September 2, 2018

Have you ever played BASKETBALL???

Have you ever played basketball? well i don't but every two weeks we play basketball with my class we go in teams and two teams vs each other it's quiet hard and we play this special game called golden child when the teachers half the class one part shoots the hoops when the other run till the end when the last person runs he/she is the golden child. But the shooters shoot the other people that is not the golden child is he/she get's shoot will stay there in till the golden child comes and touches you then you run for your LIFE! 


Our clay project simply we have been making animals out of clay with our art teacher I did a triceratops it was a lot of fun and hard to do our animals or dinosaurs I didn't capture them all but you still can see mine in the front row :)